Research Writing SY2006

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

article for those doing classroom research, survey, interview etc.

Here's an article for those doing classroom research, survey and quantitative research.
Click the link to print the research article
Aiden Yeh

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sample article for descriptive/discussion paper

Those doing descriptive research that is heavily based on discussion of existing articles/resources, this article [attached] is a good example of reporting secondary materials and analyzing them for the purposes of describing.
It is also available online at

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article for those doing classroom research, survey, interview etc.

Here's an article for those doing classroom research, survey and quantitative research.

Click the link to print the research article

Aiden Yeh

sample article for descriptive/discussion paper

Those doing descriptive research that is heavily based on discussion of existing articles/resources, this article [attached] is a good example of reporting secondary materials and analyzing them for the purposes of describing.

It is also available online at
